Exhale and bend forward at your hips, not your waist, to lengthen the front torso. How to: Stand straight up in Tadasana, hands on your hips. Why this pose helps anxiety: Standing Forward Bend relieves stress and takes advantage of gravity to help relax your shoulder and neck, which is where we often hold a lot of tension. Breathe deeply and stay here for a few minutes. Stretch your arms forward with your palms down and fingers spread wide.

Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of the pelvis while you lift the base of your skull away from the back of your neck. Exhale and lay your torso down between your thighs.īroaden your sacrum across the back of your pelvis and narrow your hip points toward the navel, so that they nestle down onto the inner thighs. Touch your big toes together and sit on your heels, then separate your knees about as wide as your hips. Why this pose helps anxiety: The forward bend and the proximity to the ground help calm your entire system. (Photo: (Photo: Andrew Clark Clothing: Calia)) 2. Come back up halfway and take a couple of breaths before pressing your palms into your thighs and rising all the way back up. On the final fold, release your hands toward the floor and let your head hang between your legs for 30 seconds. As you rise, lift your arms back out to the sides and overhead. Place your palms on your thighs and on your inhale press back up. As you exhale, turn your palms down and hinge at the hips to fold forward. How to: From a standing or seated position (in a chair works great!), inhale and sweep your arms out to your sides and overhead.
Why this series helps anxiety: The rhythm of this sequence calms your brain and helps you breathe more deeply. See also: Expert-Approved Tips to Calm Anxiety 9 yoga poses for anxiety (Photo: Andrew Clark) 1. Ideally, it is used as complements to therapy and medication so that you can not only escape the symptoms but learn a different way to cope. The following yoga postures can help ease the symptoms of anxiety long enough so you can come back to yourself. Physiologically, certain styles of yoga and and increased emphasis on your breath can slow your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and kick you out of the fight, flight, or freeze response and into a more easeful nervous system response.

The self-awareness that happens with a regular yoga and meditation practice can help you develop the tools-including slowing your breath, becoming aware of tension, and quieting your thoughts, even remaining still through discomfort or uncertainty-that help you better cope with everyday stressors as well as panic attacks. This effectively halts the feedback loop of negative thoughts that create a continued heightened emotional state. Research indicates that yoga helps mitigate anxiety by interrupting anxious thought patterns with mindful movement. See also: How Yoga Can Help Your Mental Health How does yoga help with anxiety? But when those feelings linger unaddressed, they eventually intensify and interfere with your ability to function in routine ways in life, work, and relationships.Īlthough yoga isn’t the solution to anxiety, it can help. Even without (gestures at everything the last few years), it can be exasperatingly difficult to stay calm and grounded. Studies estimate that up to 30 percent of adults experience intense anxiety at some point during their lifetime. Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members!Īlways tired? Experience trouble sleeping? Find it difficult to concentrate throughout your day? These are only some of the ways that unaddressed anxiety can come out sideways in everyday life.